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The main goal of ATM's policy is to carry out its business activities, including all its products and services, within the framework of the laws and regulations. This includes those relating to external and other security, occupational safety, the environment, quality and employee welfare.

ATM aims to devote due attention to quality and to environmental, occupational health and safety conditions (including welfare) in all aspects of its business management using the management system and technical and other rules. It works constantly on quality so as to offer sustainably responsible waste solutions and give its customers peace of mind at all times.

ATM aspires to be a trustworthy supplier, producing usable end products (“waste-to-product”). ATM contributes to a circular economy by this approach. ATM takes a flexible and innovative position at all times, is agile in responding to changes while at the same time taking its stakeholders into account.

ATM’s strategic decisions are based on our positive, deeply embedded core values:

ATM strives to achieve zero accidents, acceptable residual risks in relation to incidents and serious accidents as defined in the Seveso Directive, good working conditions and the minimum possible damage to the environment. In compliance with the statutory minimum, the aim in managing high-risk activities is to achieve the highest level of protection for our personnel and surroundings and the environment by taking appropriate effective measures. These measures may be of a technical or organisational nature. The measures are also tested for economic feasibility.

ATM aims for a guaranteed level of quality and continuity of business processes, which will ensure the security of the production process and service provision as well as caring for occupational health and safety conditions and the living environment. We strive for continuous improvement in all these areas. We do this in consultation with both internal and external stakeholders, where necessary, in order to make changes in working methods or processes by using initiatives and experience.

ATM takes a transparent position vis-a--vis government authorities, customers, nearby companies and local residents and strives for good relations with the surrounding neighbourhood. Complaints are thoroughly examined and addressed.

All ATM employees take personal responsibility in carrying out the policy. Information, training and instructions are provided and, where necessary, sanctions are imposed to support constructive contributions by employees. The same rules apply to external personnel as to our in-house staff.

A report on goals, actions and results is provided in the Renewi annual report. As part of our aim of transparency, both the policy declaration and the annual management review are publicly available to all interested parties inside and outside the organisation.

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